Everybody has ambitions. Some people want to be world-famous singers or actors. Some want to find the perfect and most comfortable pair of sneakers to go jogging in, preferably one that does the jogging for them.
Some others spend their lives dedicated to the quest for the perfect mac and cheese recipe. And yet others like you – presumably, if not, why else are you reading this article – just want to find a rich, handsome, classy old man to take care of them, pay their bills and spoil them. A gay sugar daddy.
Hell, you’re probably even willing to compromise on the handsome and classy part, as long as he’s got serious dough. Come in, don’t be shy; there’s nothing bad about wanting a mutually beneficial relationship with another consenting adult. And if he’s got a yacht and a home in somewhere exotic sounding like Biarritz or Vail, that’s great as well.
As we all know – and if you don’t know, you have a lot of catching up to do – finding a gay sugar daddy doesn’t start and end with wishing for one. No fairy godparent of The Gays is going to appear wearing a rainbow-colored sequined robe and a full face of perfect makeup; wave a wand around, and poof, there stands your own Richard Gere from Pretty Woman. It’s a nice dream, but it’s just not going to happen. If you really want a gay sugar daddy, you’ve got to get off your assistance and find one for yourself.
Now, you can’t just take out an ad in the newspaper (at least we think you can’t), but there are lots of other things you can do to find a gay sugar daddy, and a great one too. No one wants a gay sugar daddy with no sugar and very little ‘daddy’ to offer if you get our drift. If you’re looking for tips on snagging the perfect gay sugar daddy, you’ve come to the right place because we’ve got some for you.

In this article we will cover...
#1. Be Sure About What You Want
The quest to find a gay sugar daddy isn’t one you embark on half-hearted lyrics. Just like with initiating and nurturing any other relationship, you’ve got to be sure that you actually want a gay sugar daddy in the first place.
Keeping a relationship takes work, and you have to be able to put in the work. You should also know that compromise will come into play here, and more often than not, you just might be the one doing the compromising. You should be aware of all these things and make peace with them so that when you do find one, you won’t ruin the relationship by getting in your own way.
We know this sounds a little sobering, but don’t worry; you can cheer yourself up by thinking about the luxury vacations and designer shoes you’re going to get out of the deal.

#2. Do Some Research
So you’ve weighed the pros and cons, considered the options and variables and possible outcomes and decided you need a gay sugar daddy, like, yesterday.
Well, good for you, may we stan a king who knows what he wants. The next thing is to do some research (e can assume you’re already on that step since you’re reading this). What type of gay sugar daddy do you want? Do you want a much older man or someone who I just a little older than you? Would you want a relationship that’s more transactional or one that involves the two of you spending a lot of recreational time together? Would you want your relationship to be majorly online or physical?
These are some of the factors to consider. Only when you have refined and narrowed down your interests will you know where to go to look for one that matches your interests.

#3. Get On Social Media
We’re so sorry, guys, but we have to admit it, the Internet rules our lives these days. If you want to expand your playing field in your search for a gay sugar daddy, you’re going to have to create a social media presence. We’re talking Snapchat, Instagram, Tik-Tok, anything that’ll tell the world that you exist and you’re fabulous.
Now we’re not asking you to slide into the DM of every man that looks like he might have some grey in his hair and beg him to be your gay sugar daddy, but your online presence may just be what you need to get your potential sugar daddies even more interested in you. There’s a downside to this, though: if you plan on giving potential sugar daddies access to your socials, you’re going to have to be careful about the type of content you post, keeping in mind that the classier your content, the more most sugar daddies will gravitate towards you.
Always be careful to remain as real as you can, though; phoniness is so unattractive.

#4. Join Tinder
This point sort of piggybacks off the previous ones. Social media and gay dating apps like Tinder, Grindr etc., are almost the same. The major difference is that while social media can be used for a lot of things, dating apps get down to the main point, period. They both generally have their purposes, and if you want to find a gay sugar daddy, you should be reasonably active in both.
Take time to make posts, reply to messages and try to keep yourself relevant and up-to-date on how the apps work. An important thing to do, especially on dating apps, is to update your info and refine your preferences. Moving and not changing your location can lead to a lot of potential sugar daddies not being to find you or losing interest after they discover that you moved to California and kept your location as Pittsburgh.
Nobody has time to chase you around the country, especially sugar daddies. Also, remember to set your age preferences if you’ve got a particular demographic in mind.

#5. Go Out
By this, we don’t mean stepping out of your house and strolling down the road; take note. When we say go out, we’re talking about fancy outings to the best places in the nicest parts of town. Naturally, the wealthy – including the wealthy gays – will hang out in all these cool places.
Check out the lists of top or most expensive restaurants, clubs, salons, stores etc., to visit in your city, and make a date to visit as many of them as you can. In some places, you might not need to spend money, but it is more likely that you’ll need to buy a few things, so you don’t look like you’re loitering. You should add this to your budget, maybe put it down as ‘The Price of Greatness’, just to motivate you.
Spend according to your means. For example, if you take a trip to a fancy restaurant, you can order a dessert and a drink, and so on. Don’t just focus on eating or browsing or whatever. Instead, try to look friendly and approachable while still checking out the potential sugar daddies around you. If you’ve got no spare cash to fund these trips, you can still go to the nice parts of town.
Instead of expensive places, stick to parks, libraries, museums, etc.

#6. Invest In Your Wardrobe
Now that you’ve started your search properly and begun to mix with the rich – or at least observe them from a respectable distance – you can see the difference, in terms of appearance, between them and the masses, study these differences and try as much as possible to imitate them.
You don’t even have to wear monogram jackets and underwear, and popular designer brands with upside-down and inside-out letters splashed all over them (the fact that this describes at least five brands is a reason why it’s just not elite anymore). Instead, go for classic pieces made of quality fabric that fit you well.
You don’t have to be in a suit all the time, but even when you’re in jeans and sliders, make sure they’re quality ones in colors that match each other.

#7. Check Your Behaviour
Asides from clothing, another thing wealthy people value highly is classy behavior, especially in public. There’s ample evidence that in private, they can get just as down and dirty as the rest of us plebs. This may sound really shallow and classist, but if you want to win the prize, you’ve got to play the game. Besides, you don’t have to go around speaking through your nose and sticking your pinky finger up in the air when you drink coffee. Simple things like saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you” to everyone where necessary make a big difference.
Always be polite, say ‘excuse me’ and ‘sorry’ when you inconvenience someone, and carry yourself well. These things will get you noticed, and once you get that attention from gay sugar daddy material, you’ve struck gold, my friend. Also, be mindful of your dining etiquette when you’re dining out. Your potential gay sugar daddy might just be the type to be impressed by your knowledge of fork and knife arrangements, as well as wine glass placing.

#8. Be Friendly And Approachable
It’s not enough to just dress well and go to all the right places. It’s equally important – or maybe even more important – that your attitude conveys a willingness to make small talk or even have a deep conversation. Keep a pleasant smile on your face, even if you’re reading a book or using your phone.
Once someone initiates a conversation with you, stop whatever you’re doing and give them your attention. You don’t need to clasp their hands in yours and stare into their eyes like they’re giving out the secrets of the universe, but appear attentive and interested. Answer questions and inquiries articulately and convincingly, no matter who is asking them.
Good manners may not bring you a gay sugar daddy, but when you eventually get one more, it’ll probably help you keep them.

#9. Be Fun And Spontaneous
The chances are very, very high that your gay sugar daddy is going to be an older man from a different generation whose idea of fun in his youth was different from what yours is. It’s also very likely that he’s going to want to experience your own version of fun, so that’s why he’s looking for a sugar baby, instead of a partner closer room his own age. It is, therefore up to you to rise to the occasion. This tip is more for keeping the gay sugar daddy after you’ve gotten him, but the point still stands.
You’ve got to provide him with all the fun and excitement that’s going to make keeping you around worth it. Suggest shopping trips, trips to the beach, amusement park trips, painting and pottery sessions, music festivals and concerts, things that’ll make him feel young again. On the other hand, you should also suggest activities with his personality in mind. For instance, you might find a gay sugar daddy that’s down to rock all night at a concert with a death metal band with names like Visceral Madness and Roadkill, while another might draw the line at a day trip to an amusement park.
Push the boundaries, but know where to draw the line.

#10. Be Amazing At Sex
Unless you’ve got a unique arrangement in which your gay sugar daddy provides compensation for non-metal companionship or accompanying him to events, chances are tall are going to end up doing the nasty at some point, and when that happens, you should aim to blow him away (are submit not literally, before he has a resubmit heart attack or something).
Get your sex game up somehow. You can watch videos, read manuals and blog posts or practice. You can even do all three, so you can be ready to rock his world. Be sensitive to his needs and mindful of yours, and keep in mind that the emotional aspect of sex is just as important as the physical. Some might even argue that it’s more important.
Meet as many of his needs as you can, and you’ll definitely be rewarded. Think about toys or sexy underwear or whatever kink he may have…

#11. Be Ready to Adapt
We’ve mentioned this point earlier, but we’d just like to emphasize it. Your gay sugar daddy is likely to be a guy who’s accomplished to an extent. He’s probably successful in his field of work and is used to getting his own way. Add the power dynamic between you and him, and you’ll likely find yourself having to adjust yourself to suit him a couple of times.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can’t have your hard limits. If you’ve got some things you absolutely won’t do under any circumstances, then you shouldn’t compromise on those things. Communicate these limits to him early on in the relationship, so he will be aware of them.
Everything else might be subject to adjustment, and you have to be alright with that.

#12. Be Smart
In getting a gay sugar daddy, as I everything else, you’ve got to be smart. First off, there are many people out there looking for vulnerable guys to prey on, even within the gay community. Before you agree to meet with any person you met online, be sure to leave your location and information with a friend, as well as details of the person you’re meeting goes.
Be aware of your environment, and carry a taser or pepper spray with you in case you need to defend yourself. Constantly review your position to make sure you’re not being taken advantage of, and if at any point you feel like you are done with the relationship, make sure you can exit safely. In the meantime, being a sugar baby can be a fun ride, so strap in and enjoy it.