Love is pure, and even with HIV, it does not come to an end. Even if the sex life does not come to an end, instead, it could get better. No one is ready for the news of being HIV positive.
However, the golden rule is to make lemonade when life gives you a lemon. The new information could transform your life, but then with HIV positive Gay dating, things could get better.
HIV-Positive Gay Dating
It is the new calling of your life. HIV-gay dating is a ray of hope. Primarily it is sex that helps one to overcome inhibitions. The biggest block is the fear of infecting or suffering and, most importantly, of not being accepted. Gay HIV dating apps have specific stunning tips and formulas for success. Most importantly, life does not end after diagnosis; instead, it brings a new perspective toward life.
Tips from HIV gay dating sites that are life-changing
Dating apps are inclusive groups that render support. They have the option where one can list themselves as gay or straight or even about their ailments. One can directly mention the disease or use a keyword to attract people from the same condition. HIV or any other STD is now standard. Much awareness has been spread about them. Thus, people do not judge them but accept them with an open mindset.
Positivesingles is a site that has garnered immense popularity as a dating site. It is a group that is about complete inclusiveness. It gives the necessary support and tips and shares the success stories of its members, providing immense courage to the members. A little compassion and empathy are all that one needs to fly high.

Life beyond the HIV diagnosis
It is heartbreaking to accept the fact, but then life goes on. There are so many thoughts and questions that one will face after diagnosis. The biggest question that one encounter is “why me” however, with the right amount of support from the HIV gay dating sites, one gets a positive outlook of “why not me.
The simple formula for success in HIV Positive Gay Dating as explained by the experts:
The queries that you have in your mind about creating a hurricane are answered with ease. Gay dating for HIV singles will become a cakewalk after reading the insights of gay HIV singles who mingles with the help of dating sites.
1. Will anyone want to date me or have a physical relationship once they know about the HIV-positive diagnosis?
The answer is simple: people will still be interested in having sex with you. People on the HIV-positive gay dating sites are in the same boat. They are open to relationships with people on the same boat and understand the complications associated with the ailment.
Following specific safety measures, like using condoms and medications, will further stop the spread of disease. Even HIV negatives are open to having relationships with positive people. The fear of the ailment is in mind. Consult your doctor before stopping on the new horizon.
2. How should I disclose my HIV-positive status?
You are what you are, irrespective of the ailment. Your partner or the person you hook up with is with you because they like you. It has nothing to do with the disease. Dating apps are a support system. They help to accept and tell about the HIV-positive status.
Tell them honestly if they are informed, they can make a suitable decision. Also, in your profile, with the help of code words, one can tell potential partners about your HIV status.
3. What are the rules regarding physical intimacy?
Honestly, there are no rules but some safety protocols. HIV-positive dating apps have implemented regulations as prescribed by the government authorities. HIV dating apps like PositiveSingles Android APP and IOS App are doing a fantastic job when it comes to educating people with HIV. Simply put, one should start with the medication as soon as one learns about the diagnosis.
Accepting the disease and prompting the medication is the first one. The sooner one starts the course it makes it undetectable. It implies that it takes off the viral load, and they cannot transmit the ailment. Treatment is prevention and the safeguard for your partner.
Therefore tell them about the situation and wait till you become undetectable.

4. Is it essential to become undetectable?
The HIV dating sites spread ample information for all regarding undetectable. Being undetectable means, one has less than 20 copies of the virus per one millimeter of blood. Medicines help to reach this state.
Once in this phase, it is safe to have sex but with precautions. However, it is mandatory to continue with the medications. Therefore, stay in touch with your practitioner and enjoy safe sex. Once undetectable, the virus is unable to trigger an antibody test.
5. Can I date people who are HIV-negative?
There is no harm in dating people with HIV negative or any other STDs/ STIs. One can date anyone irrespective that the person wants to date them. One can go for a serosorting relationship that involves dating people with the same HIV status. Also, one can go for a serodiscordant relationship that one partner has positive status, whereas the other has a negative one (often with the aid of PreP)
Treatment progress has made it possible to have successful serodiscordant relationships. There are several success stories and inspirational thoughts on HIV dating apps to motivate everyone.

6. Will HIV change my looks?
There are specific changes in the body after the diagnosis happens. However, the looks of the person will not change. Moreover, with medicines, exercise, and vitamins, one can keep themselves safe from the side effects of the ailment. The HIV-positive status will not ruin your looks.
The condition can dampen your spirits but not for long as your personality and looks remain the same. With medical treatments, it is possible to fight the disease.
7. Is there a cure for HIV and AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)?
Once you have HIV and it is not treated, it could progress to AIDS. HIV and AIDS are two different ailments. It takes a brief period to move up to AIDS. There is no cure for AIDS and HIV. AIDS is fatal. Therefore, one should go for regular checkups and take medicines to stop the progress of the ailment.
Having a positive outlook on life is crucial. Fighting any ailment and accepting it is essential. It is ok if you’re socially awkward and do not want to reveal your health condition in front of everyone. If you are scared of acceptance, try to mingle with people in the same situation. Dating apps are inclusive and accepted wholeheartedly. Thus you will indeed find someone for yourself.
Dating apps are your haven if you are not looking for a relationship, as they help you to come out of the state of denial and come to terms with your ailment with utmost grace.