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What Does Androromantic Mean? + Other Androromantic Information To Help You Be A Better Ally!

Anyone can feel attached to or identify with a diversity of gender identities and/or sexual orientations. And as evermore definitions have been popularised over the years to embody the emotions and experiences of queer people, it can be hard to keep up.

If you are not totally absorbed in LGBTQ+ culture or the rainbow community, you may not appreciate these lesser-known sexual orientations and gender identities – most of which have a lack of representation in mainstream media.

One such term is androromantic, so we are going to define and cover what does androromantic mean, speak about the androromantic pride flag, and then provide some tips to help you become a better ally to androromantic people.

What Does Androromantic Mean?

Androromantic, or andromantic, is a term that can be defined in a variety of ways. The first is simply one who has romantic attraction to men.  Androromantics can include heteroromantic women, gay men, and nonbinary people who are attracted to men. The second definition refers to romantic attraction to people who present masculinely, regardless of their gender.

Third, is romantic attraction limited to persons who have “male anatomy,” regardless of whether or not they identify as male; yet, this definition is considered transphobic because it reduces people to only their genitals.

It’s possible that the word was coined with non-binary or genderqueer individuals in mind. Because androromantic has no uniform definition and can have negative connotations, many non-binary persons prefer to use other terms like minromantic, marsic, viramoric, or maromantic to describe this desire. The phrase is derived from androsexual, which is frequently cited by transphobes as a justification for excluding trans men since they are only attracted to “man anatomy” or “genuine guys.

The distinction between being “gay” or “straight” and being androromantic is that androromantic people they could be attracted to someone who is a woman but has a highly masculine style or demeanor. The same can be said for a more feminine man; an androromantic would be unlikely to be attracted to him.

Androromantic Flag Meaning

There are many different pride flags symbolizing most queer identities, so it should come as no surprise there is a flag for androromantic people to proudly fly.

ThatOneKnows developed the androromantic flag on December 12, 2020. Non-binary and genderless identities are represented by the top white stripe. Men and masculinity are represented by the three middle blue stripes. The top stripe indicates persons who, regardless of gender, exude masculinity. People who are masculine-aligned are represented by the middle stripe. People who identify as male are represented by the bottom stripe. Women, feminine-aligned persons, and femininity, regardless of gender, are represented by the bottom purple stripe.

Other Androromantic Information to Help You Be a Better Ally

There are plenty of misconceptions about what the term androromantic means. While there’s not so much information about this romantic orientation, you can still be an ally. Here’s what you need to understand to be a better ally to androromantic people and the LGBTQIA+ community.

  • Androromantic is a romantic orientation and not a sexual orientation

Many people aren’t clear about the differences between romantic and sexual orientation. Your romantic orientation refers to the people with whom you want to spend time and be emotionally connected, whereas your sexual orientation refers to the people with whom you want to have sex and be intimate with.

The biochemical processes that occur when we are horny and/or have sex are distinct from those that occur when we are in love and/or emotionally close to another person. Many people have sexual feelings for the same people they have love feelings for. You could be bisexual and biromantic, for example. However, this isn’t always the case. Being cross-oriented refers to having incompatible romantic and sexual orientations. Some people, for example, are sexually attracted to both genders but only date one of them. Another example is asexual people who have romantic connections while not experiencing sexual attraction.

  • Normalize pronoun usage

Pronouns are a crucial but sometimes overlooked component of one’s identity. Using a person’s pronouns is a simple way to accept and validate their gender identity, and it can be a terrific first step toward allyship. Cisgender people usually don’t have to worry about being misgendered or being addressed with the incorrect pronouns because their gender expression usually corresponds to their gender identity.

However, many gender-nonconforming people have had the regrettable experience of being misgendered with the wrong pronouns. If you address someone incorrectly by name or pronouns, ensure you correct yourself, accept responsibility rather than make excuses and resolve to doing it right the next time.

  • Androromantics can be differently gendered

Androromantics can be transgender, nonbinary or other gender identities. The term isn’t a preserve of a specific gender and anyone who feels it describes them is welcome to use it.

  • Donate if you can

Not everyone has the financial resources to do so, but if you do, consider making a donation to an organization that supports LGBTQ persons. Due to bigotry and workplace discrimination, LGBTQIA+ people, particularly LGBTQ people of color, have higher unemployment rates than the overall population. They are also at a higher risk of substance addiction and chronic diseases such as cancer and HIV, but they confront major challenges to accessing sufficient healthcare, including prejudice.

  • Keep their identity confidential

Protect any knowledge about your friend, family, colleague, or schoolmate’s romantic interest if they haven’t come out as androromantic. It is not your place to tell the world who they are and who they are not. Keep it to yourself if they confide in you because they trust you. It is also disrespectful and unethical to label someone as androromantic before they are ready to come out.

If a buddy confides in you, be reliable, and they will be able to rely on you in the future, allowing for legitimate discussions. As an ally, the best you can do is protect androromantics from harsh statements and stick up for them if they are discriminated against.

  • You don’t have to understand what it means to respect them

It’s fine if you find the definition of androromantic a little confusing. The most important thing to remember is to respect others regardless of their gender or sexual orientation. If you feel compelled to learn more about the phrase, remember that you should do your own study rather than expecting someone who is neptunic to do so for you. While there may not be much information available on the phrase androromantic, whatever you do uncover can help you gain a better understanding of what it means.

  • Stand up against discrimination and prejudice

Finally, as a supporter of all LGBTQIA+ people, you should learn to recognize prejudice and bigotry for what they are. Many LGBTQ+ people face prejudice and discrimination simply because of who they are. As an ally, you can call out such behavior and educate those who are doing wrong about how their negative behavior can harm others. Your loved one will feel loved, valued, affirmed, and accepted if you do this.